Brand in one word........


Let’s get right to it. A “BRAND” is literally how other people perceive your business. And in the world of economics, the perception others hold on a business becomes that businesses’ reality of success or failure.

Consider a few of your favorite companies. In our home, Under Armour comes to mind. What makes that brand special? That depends on which customer you ask. My husband says, “Quality.” For me, it’s consistency. I know if I purchase my husband a shirt, he will wear a medium- every time. I don’t look at the chart, no running to check his wardrobe. Medium….. EVERY TIME! Since he likes the quality, I know I’m safe to purchase  this brand and I won’t be forced to return it because it always fits and is worth what I pay. This makes UA a top brand in our home. He’s also an avid golfer who is Taylor Made all the way. Due to his loyalty surrounding the brand, I never considered anything but TM when I purchased his new set of irons and his driver. I would have wasted my time to look at anything else. I surprised him with the TM “Stealth” line for his birthday. His loyalty to his brands make him easy to shop for. (not to mention his obsession with golf!) 

What loyalty to brands to you hold in your home?

If a brand is about perception, what is Branding?

Back in the western days, before the type of branding mentioned here, a rancher would mark his property with a branding iron. He wanted everyone to know,  “This belongs to my ranch. Seeing this brand proves my ownership.” A brand was a form of identification. In 2023, we have chips embedded in our dogs, and enable facial recognition on our phones to prove ownership. But is any of this really any different than branding a business? 

Well, yes and no.

Branding is merely all the actions, (or steps) taken to secure who a business is. The visual aspect usually begins with colors, fonts, and possibly an icon, on a logo. This  provides recognition to the name. This is akin to the old branding iron from long ago. But what about beyond the colors and schemes?

Branding encompasses an entire process that influences consumers to purchase services or products and to remain loyal to these products and services. A  brand is the impression a business leaves on you whether you (or they) are aware of this or not. 

Initially, when you ask somewhat what a particular business brand is, a logo with colors and an icon may come to mind; but in reality, a “brand” is much more. And so is Branding. Where a good brand will convey Visual Recognition as in logos, colors, and fonts, an excellent Brand will develop an Emotional Connection between the company and the consumer. This begins with how the consumer perceives the business, and this delves much deeper and broader than colors or fonts.

When you think of your favorite store or restaurant, why do you enjoy them? Is it their quality of service? Quality of their products? Is it the way they package a product? What initially drew them to you? And, why do you keep going back? (Or, in some cases, not go back?)

These are all aspects of BRANDING.

Google has branded themselves with being one of the best places to work.... ever! They offer free food, a gym for working out, and even an adult playground to relive stress. That is part of their brand. And it must be working because over 63% of people reading this now probably found their way here via google chrome. Oh, and did I mention, you can even bring your pet to work! Who can beat that? It's like working from home!

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Think of your Branding as a set of collectives that make up your “IDENTITY.” As a person, we have a personality filled with characteristics, goals, mantras, philosophies, core values, and we even have a distinctive way we look and carry ourselves. Some people dress fun with bright, bold colors, and express themselves more loudly, while others may dress more conservatively or professional. What people fail to realize is, we “brand” ourselves every day.  Don’t we all have that one friend who is perpetually late for parties and events? Whether they like it or not,  it’s become part of their “personal branding.” Businesses are not much different. 

Is your business more serious and professional? (Think of a bank.) Or do you have a relaxed and fun company? (Ice cream store) Your “Branding” should reflect who you are as a company. Sometimes your company is an extension of who you are personally, and other times the Branding for your company may have little in common with you and your personality. We recommend you KNOW YOUR BRAND before you ever take it to the public. 

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At Write Way, we understand the value of your time and money. That’s why we gladly offer a free 15 minute assessment for your business. Whether we analyze the backend of your website, take a peek at social numbers, or give you a run down of what we see should be immediately addressed. 



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Brand in one word


Let’s get right to it. A “BRAND” is literally how other people perceive your business. And in the world of economics, the perception others hold on a business becomes that businesses’ reality of success or failure.

Consider a few of your favorite companies. In our home, Under Armour comes to mind. What makes that brand special? That depends on which customer you ask. My husband says, “Quality.” For me, it’s consistency. I know if I purchase my husband a shirt, he will wear a medium- every time. I don’t look at the chart, no running to check his wardrobe. Medium….. EVERY TIME! Since he likes the quality, I know I’m safe to purchase  this brand and I won’t be forced to return it because it always fits and is worth what I pay. This makes UA a top brand in our home. He’s also an avid golfer who is Taylor Made all the way. Due to his loyalty surrounding the brand, I never considered anything but TM when I purchased his new set of irons and his driver. I would have wasted my time to look at anything else. I surprised him with the TM “Stealth” line for his birthday. His loyalty to his brands make him easy to shop for. (not to mention his obsession with golf!)