Website Design

Each Website Is

*SSL Certified
*Responsive Design
*Unique in Style and Format
*Unlimited Pages
*Protected by Contract
*Organic SEO in Copy, Titles, and Descriptions
*Linked to Social and Professional Pages
*Backed Up
*Blogging Available
*Low Monthly Hosting Fee and Maintenance Discounts
*Never Wait on Hold
*Inbound Linking To Optimize Organic Exposure
*Optimize Hosting with Multiple Data Centers

Save Them All, Inc

Local Acadiana nonprofit assisting abused and neglected children in the Acadiana and surrounding areas. Founded by Carrie Simon, a published author and child advocate over a decade ago, earning its 501(c)3 status in 2018. 

Insight Into Mental Health

Bob Bienvenu has hosted his show, Insight Into Mental Health for over 16 years. Bob was diagnosed with pranoid schizophrenia at the age of 21 and has lived a remarkable life, authoring 19 books, hosting his show, and trying to shed light on mental illness, enabling others to live a rewarding life despite living with mental illness. 

Design Versus Develop

WWCA can handle both. What's the difference? A designer and a developer play diffent roles in your online presence. To put it simply, a designer comes in and decorates your home. They add pictures and copy (words), and add personal touches to make your website stand out and ensure it is user-friendly. An excellent designer will ensure you stay on brand. A developer however, comes in and builds a wheelchair ramp or fixes your leaky roof when the designer needs something more than a plugin can handle.

Responsive Web Design

Our websites are designed with UX (Visual) and UI (Functional) in mind, as well as organic SEO practices and responsiveness.To be anything less would not uphold our standard. We begin with an unlimited band width server with quick loading speed, dedicated IPs and servers operating on leading CloudLinux, from multiple data centers. We have complete control of our server with full root access.

Branding is Always Our Core Focus

Branding is an essential element in business recognition and establishing a relationship and building trust with clients. Regardless of which of our services you choose, our objective is always to elevate your brand or get your rebrand on the right foot. While there are many excellent, trustworthy companies who provide quality services, we strongly advise you work with companies that place your branding needs as their primary objective as they focus on your business goals.

Let's Put It IN Black & White

Full-stack Designer and Developer

Design Versus Develop

Before we speed down this track, let’s establish something many are unaware of. A web designer is no more a web developer than you are a car because you are sitting in the garage. Just as the body and an engine are necessary to become a vehicle, both a developer and designer are necessary to create an online presence via a website. Also note, most designers are not developers, and most developers are not designers. It is rare to find a person who does both at optimal levels as they do not utilize the same parts of the brain. A designer works primarily with the front-end, or User Interface, of a website, meaning he/she makes things appealing and user-friendly to the audience. A web developer is the one behind the scenes making calculations and writing code to ensure everything the designer request works properly.  Know that when you choose WWCA,  we handle both of these apsects.

For further understanding, a designer comes in and decorates your home. A designer arranges pictures, places furniture where it is user-friendly, (don’t put the coffee table in the middle of the room), and makes certain a site is visually appealing from the start while staying on brand with colors, fonts, and theme. A designer may write your copy, (we do), and add personal touches. Everything seen and touched is on the designer’s end. A developer however, comes in and rebuilds a room when it’s been compromised after a storm, or builds something fancy a plugin won’t handle. At Write Way Creative Agency, we full-stack designers and developers that have the ability to handle anything that comes our way. This is why we not only host our own websites, but can work on almost any site you have. 

SEO, or Search Engine Optimization is a digital strategy conducted by SEO specialists to optimize your website to increase traffic and draw higher conversions. Some methods used are ranking with key words and tags, link building, mobile responsiveness, and monitoring analytics. 

SEO / Search Engine Optimization

Best Practices for SEO and how we handle them

The best way to describe all the intricacies of a website is to consider the making of a golf ball. Golf balls are designed with 2 to 5 layers. Every golf ball has a core and an outer shell. The core is the largest and hardest part of the ball. We consider the core to be the developer’s arena. Whether HTML, CSS, Java, etc., a website boils down to a bunch of codes. The outer shell, however, is where the designer’s stage is. Those codes give access for a designer to work their magic and create the overall look and appeal. But within the core and the outer wall lies other areas such as SEO, also referred to as Search Engine Optimization. 

There are many practices a designer should utilize to assist with SEO practices. WWCA ensures specific types of SEO are utilized to thebest of our ability on the designer end during the building of each website. Standard practices are white-hat SEO, content SEO, On and Off-site SEO, local and mobile SEO. However, even a full-stack web designer and engineer deveopler are not SEO experts. This is a specific skillset and we have a team that handles the more technical aspects of SEO. We can discuss your options as the site is being built. The first thing necessary is to have a site already optimized for speed and to have the appropriate content on your website. Remember. Content is king! That has never changed. Paying for SEO without having a user-friendly and responsive site that is up to speed with enough of the right content is like throwing money down the drain. 

**For additional SEO marketing from experts in the field, we require a 4-6 month commitment from the client, as SEO marketing does not provide a one and done or immediate results. SEO takes time and patience. We follow your analytics throughout the process and keep you posted on a monthly basis.